
美国女子竞标赛 | 3名BGGA学员的高尔夫终极测试!

时间: 2018-08-25 高尔夫

从7月16日(星期一)开始,世界上18岁及以下的最佳高尔夫球手将在加州卵石滩的“波比山高尔夫球场”(Poppy Hills golf Course)开始进行少年高尔夫的终极测试。从标志性的场馆,到传奇的冠军,到冠军的战利品,到冠军的战利品,BGGA的Annie Kim, Siyan Chen和校友Jordan Cornelius下周都有很多值得期待的地方。 Starting Monday, July 16, the best golfers in the world 18 years of age and under will begin the ultimate tests in junior golf when #US Girls Junior gets underway at Poppy Hills Golf Course in Pebble Beach, California. From the iconic venue, to the legendary champions this championship boasts, to the spoils that go to the winners, there is a lot to look forward to next week for BGGA’s Annie Kim, Siyan Chen and alumni Jordan Cornelius.

在过去的十年里,美国女子青少年队一直是发展最快的USGA锦标赛之一,连续9年达到了四位数,今年的总人数更是达到了1606人,比美国女子队的业余选手多了将近200人。将USGA青年锦标赛的年龄范围从17岁提高到18岁,对整个参赛人数和场地质量都有很大的帮助。今年,三名在大学里打了一年高尔夫球的高尔夫球手均获得了资格认证。 In the last decade, the U.S. Girls’ Junior has been one of the fastest growing USGA championships, reaching four figures in entries nine consecutive years with a record total to 1,606 this year, nearly 200 more than the U.S. Women’s Amateur. Raising the age limit from 17 to 18 for both USGA Junior Championships has helped both in numbers of entries and quality of field. This year, three golfers with a year of college golf under their belt qualified.

金,陈,科尼利厄斯以及其他155名选手都希望能在明年的女子网球公开赛上打出自己的名次。他们或者在年纪上来看还很年轻,但是他们已经非常有经验了。美国女子少年棒球赛的四名选手将在锦标赛中第五次首发。 Kim, Chen, Cornelius and the rest of the 155 competitors would love nothing more than to etch their name on the Glenna Collet Vere Trophy while punching their ticket to next year’s Women’s Open.

They may be young, but they have experience. Four players in the U.S. Girls’ Junior field will be making their fifth starts in the championship.


著名的美国女子对的冠军包括名人和赢得多个美国女子公开赛的冠军米奇莱特(1952)和乔安娜·甘德森肉(1956),同样也是一位名人的 1980年美国女子公开赛冠军艾米。爱尔考特(1973),莱克斯·汤普森(2008年),美国女子公开赛冠军Ariya Jutanuygarn(2011),双人对打美国女子公开赛冠军朴仁妃 (2002年)和在世界最高水平的女子高尔夫职业巡回赛LPGA获得四次冠军的选手来自西澳的姑娘李旻智(2012)。 Notable U.S. Girls’ Junior champions include Hall of Famers and multiple U.S. Women’s Open champions Mickey Wright (1952) and JoAnne Gunderson Carner (1956), Hall of Famer and 1980 U.S. Women’s Open champion Amy Alcott (1973), Lexi Thompson (2008), reigning U.S. Women’s Open champion Ariya Jutanuygarn (2011), two-two U.S. Women’s Open champion Inbee Park (2002) and four-time LPGA Tour winner Minjee Lee (2012).










锦标赛总共有来自14个不同的国家的选手们参与,他们分别是:阿根廷(2名)、澳大利亚(3名)、加拿大(6名)、中国台北(2名)、哥伦比亚(2名)、香港中国、日本、马来西亚、墨西哥(4民)、尼日利亚、中华人民共和国(7名)、菲律宾(2名)、大韩民国(2名)、美国(122名)。 There are 14 countries represented in the championship: Argentina (2), Australia (3), Canada (6), Chinese Taipei (2), Colombia (2), Hong Kong China, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico (4), Nigeria, the People’s Republic of China (7), the Philippines (2), the Republic of Korea (2), and the United States (122).

同样也有来自33个州的不同代表:阿拉巴马州(2名),亚利桑那州(4名)、阿肯色(2名),加州(34名),科罗拉多(2名)、康涅狄格(2名),特拉华,佛罗里达州(10名),乔治亚州(3名),夏威夷(2名),爱达荷州,伊利诺斯州(2名),印第安纳州(2名),爱荷华州,路易斯安那州,马里兰州(3名),马萨诸塞州,密歇根州(2名)、明尼苏达、密苏里州、新泽西州(5名)、新墨西哥州、纽约(5名),北卡罗莱纳(6名),俄亥俄州(4名)、俄勒冈州、宾夕法尼亚州、南卡罗来纳(2名),田纳西州(3名),德州(13名)。 There are 33 states represented in the championship: Alabama (2), Arizona (4), Arkansas (2), California (34), Colorado (2), Connecticut (2), Delaware, Florida (10), Georgia (3), Hawaii (2), Idaho, Illinois (2), Indiana (2), Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland (3), Massachusetts, Michigan (2), Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey (5), New Mexico, New York (5), North Carolina (6), Ohio (4), Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina (2), Tennessee (3), Texas (13).



Wish you guys Best luck! Annie Kim, Siyan Chen and Jordan Cornelius!

We are so proud of you.

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