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时间: 2018-12-03 欧冠
Banzaimiha(阿森纳球迷): 是谁说奥巴梅杨只会在踢弱队的时候进球的?说得太特么对了!(People were saying Aubameyang only scores against small teams. They were right.)
WarrenAlaCarte(阿森纳球迷): 洛里买了张贵宾球票来看这场球啊!(Lloris paid a premium ticket to watch the game!)
Aidsfart_ 112(阿森纳球迷): 那些赌麦克-迪恩会判给阿森纳点球的人真是赚翻了,现在得是百万富翁了吧!(Well done to the people who bet on Mike Dean giving Arsenal a pen... must be millionaires now.)
Ttblue(阿森纳球迷): 必须的啊,每次麦克迪恩吹阿森纳的比赛,我都赌他给阿森纳点球,现在我已经是百万富翁了!哦对了,以前我是亿万富翁…(Yes I bet on him a penalty for us every time and now I’m a millionaire. By the way I was a billionaire before.)
Throwberaway(未知主队球迷): 拉卡泽特和奥巴梅杨之间的基情好魔性啊…(The bromance between Laca and Auba...magical.)
cwillard260(阿森纳球迷): 就连麦克-迪恩都阻止不了他俩了呢!(Even Mike Dean can’t stop him.)
longconsilver13(阿森纳球迷): 今天阿森纳球迷性高潮般的呐喊,已经被收录到里式地震等级里去了!(Gunners orgasm has just registered on the Richter Scale.)
Drewdru(肯尼亚球迷): 世界波、火爆冲突、犯规、红牌、烟火、激情、仇恨,好一个德比啊!(Bangers, Scuffles, Fouls, Sending off, Flares, Passion, Hatred, What a Derby!)
2girls1kun(曼城球迷): 唯一的遗憾就是今天麦克-迪恩不怎么在状态…(Pity that Mike was back in form.)
vapianonuts24(曼联球迷): 我是曼联球迷,我帮朋友问的啊,你们都是怎么进攻的?(United fan here, how do you attack? Asking for a friend.)
Benn_Must-die(尤文球迷): 不如曼联就聘我当教练吧,我在FIFA13里边都带着曼联赢得欧冠十连冠了呢!(Hire me I got Manchester United to win the champions league 10 years in a row in Fifa 13 mobile.)
Trombosaurus(利物浦球迷): 奥里吉表示,那球绝对是训练场上专门练过的!("Practiced on training ground." – Origi.)
Oldyongwaiyee(利物浦球迷): 范戴克在传球的一瞬间就计算好了风速、球的抛物运动、横梁尺寸以及皮克福德手臂长度,所以才有了这粒伟大的进球!那7500万转会费的每一分钱都是值得的!(Van Dijk calculated the wind speed, projectile, thickness of crossbar and the length of Pickford's arm before he pass that ball. What a Goal. 75mil worth every penny.)
AzraeJ(巴萨球迷): 什么鬼,怎么戈麦斯一到埃弗顿就变成了伊涅斯塔,而在巴萨就只有一成功力了?(WTF Andre Gomes acting like he's Iniesta at Everton but when he was with us he was acting like... I don't know, Andre Gomes…)
Pottsaayy(曼城球迷): 我看这比赛都像是菊花被人打结了一样,真不知道埃弗顿球迷会是什么感觉…(Can’t imagine how Everton fans feel if I’ve got knots in my arse watching this.)
Mitchypoo69(埃弗顿球迷): 足球?爱过。(I'm done with this sport.)
graveyeverton93(埃弗顿球迷): 很难想象我是怎么喜欢这支球队25年都还没有自杀的…(How I've gone 25 years supporting Everton without killing myself I'll never know.)
Alfie_13(阿森纳球迷): 哈哈,看到竞争对手丢掉2分真是太高兴了,这样南安普顿就不会威胁到我们争四了!(Lol our rivals dropped 2 points. No way Southampton can get top 4 now.)
AjenoMerveilles(未知主队球迷): 穆帅说过曼联要在一月份重回前四,可他没说是在哪年的一月…(To be fair to Jose, he didn't say which January Man Utd would be in the top four...)
Bayyon(曼联球迷): 相比于积分榜首,曼联现在距离积分榜尾的分差明显更小,而且净胜球还特么是个负数…(Manchester United are closer to the bottom than they are to the top, and fucking -1 GD…)
JoshPCMR(未知主队球迷): 这比赛下半场,就连吸血鬼都能给看睡着了…(That second half could have put a vampire to sleep.)
jebish7(尤文球迷): 这比赛从进球大战到瞌睡大战的转变实在是太迅速了…(The game went from goalfest to snoozefest really soon.)
ThreeForElvenKings(曼联球迷): 解说员笑话卢卡库一脚触球的吐槽,大概是下半场唯一的亮点了吧…(The commentators laughing at Lukaku's first touch certainly was the highlight of the second half.)
Mcneilintheplace(阿森纳球迷): 卢卡库大多数第一脚触球同时也是最后一脚触球…(Lukaku. Most of the time his first touch is his last touch.)
GravyIsALie(巴萨球迷): 门将:“开始了吗?”梅西:“已经结束了!”(Goalie is still waiting for Messi to shoot, doesn't realize the ball is already in the net.)
Itrytogetthingsdone(荷兰球迷): 看到第一个进球我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,但一看是梅西进的,那就感觉不过是正常操作而已了。(I am surprised to see that that first goal l but unsurprised that Messi was able to score.)
Futchfapper(阿贾克斯球迷): 梅西的欧冠进球,已经和埃因霍温队史欧冠进球数一样多了…(Messi has now scored as many Champions League goals as PSV.)
MGS1911(皇马球迷): 吹梅西得有个限度好吧,都说他什么球都能进,那怎么就没进过乌龙球?(I don’t think Messi is that good, they say that he can do anything but I’ve never see him scoring an own goal.)
maxr0cket(墨西哥球迷): 哇哦,埃因霍温的射门大概是对球网过敏吧!(Wow... that PSV ball is allergic to the net.)
mikeondrugs(巴萨球迷): 现在我们的零封场次数甚至还比不上伤员人数多了…(At this point we're gonna have way more injuries than clean sheets.)
TheBestTortilla(巴萨球迷): 显然我们已经让门柱和横梁代替后卫去防守啦!(Apparently we’ll have the posts and crossbar do our defense instead of actually defending.)
TheBestTortilla(巴萨球迷): 当你有梅西和神锋皮克的时候,还需要什么防守呀!(Who needs defense when you have Messi and striker Piqué?.)
brum592(阿贾克斯球迷): 球队在最后时刻拖延时间很常见,可强如巴萨也有必要踢个埃因霍温都拖延时间吗...(Sure everyone wastes time in situations like this, but it's kinda meh to see a club like Barca need to do this against PSV…)
Edihcex(皇马球迷): 这有啥不行的,强如巴萨也难保证场场大胜啊,又不是每周都能踢皇马!(Anything goes wrong? Even barca can hardly smash all the team they meet since they cannot play against Real Madrid every week.)
Muppetx(未知主队球迷): 埃因霍温明明每场欧冠都踢得很好,结果现在才得了一分…(PSV have played well in every game yet are still left with 1 point.) TomV23(埃因霍温球迷): 正是因为梅西,我们的欧冠才没戏啊!(Our CL so far is messing because of Messi.)
TheStryfe(皇马球迷): 我们又要一不小心就得欧冠冠军了么…(We're going to accidently win the champions league again.)
good_fellla(皇马球迷): 贝尔和巴斯克斯简直都成西甲最差球员了,来到欧冠却又双双进球…(Bale and Vazquez are trying so hard to win worst player in the league but they both scored in CL…)
misplaced_references(未知主队球迷): C罗是受伤了吗,怎么今天没出场啊?(Is Ronaldo injured or something? Why can’t I see him?)
Tweazz(皇马球迷): 听说C罗出去买披萨了,结果留在那里再也没回来…(Dude said he was going out for some pizza and never came back smh.)
In_Panopticon(利物浦球迷): 是不是因为下赛季要用VAR了,所以底线裁判就疯狂刷存在感来证明自己的价值了…(the line judge was like they have var next season i need to prove my worth.)
Sjekky(凯尔特人球迷): 热刺欧冠开局踢成这样,要是最后还能出线,这也太酸爽了吧…(Fair fucks to Tottenham if they make it out this group after the start they had.)
Princessfinn(曼联球迷): 现在利物浦是要成为唯一一个从欧冠掉下去的英超球队啦?(If liverpool the only english team dropping into the el.)
batigoal(利物浦球迷): 现在我看欧联杯也挺眉清目秀的…(Europa league looks stacked now.)
FoodCourtDruid(巴列卡诺球迷): 利物浦后卫:“咦,球来到咱禁区啦?好有趣哦,大家快来看看呀!”(Liverpool defenders: "Hmm, a ball in the box? This is interesting. Let's take a look at it.")
im_nice_to_everyon(美因茨球迷): 无论外表还是踢法,拉比奥特都可以说是低配版的费莱尼…(Rabiot looks like a discount Fellaini both in size and play style.)
tweazz(皇马球迷): 米尔纳本身就是身经百战的老将了,结果竟然比布冯小了8岁之多…(milner himself is a veteran but when you realize that he is still 8 years younger than buffon.)
ATouchOfIwobi(阿森纳球迷): 当巴黎进攻的时候,利物浦的防守甚至还没有训练锥管用…(When they attack at pace Liverpool might as well be replaced by cones.)
Shawnlowvon(未知主队球迷): 内马尔和姆巴佩总让我想起小剥皮和雪诺,我是不是没救了… (Neymar and Mbappe remind me of Ramsay and Jon Snow... I’m weird...)
OrangeSyringe(曼城球迷): 利物浦难道没有中场么?(Does Liverpool have a midfield?)
Wade0(利物浦球迷): 啊?中场是啥?(what's that?)
Pubgoinguponatuesday(阿森纳球迷): 费莱尼时间到啦,现在费莱尼时间>弗格森时间!(Fellaini time approaching lads. Fellaini time > Fergie time.’)
Kaztah(曼联球迷): 中场有个家伙我连续八次都没看出来是谁,直到刚才想起来费莱尼把头发给剃了…(It's like the 8th time I wonder who the hell that guy on the midfield is, before I remember Fellainis haircut.)
Bigbogger(曼联球迷): 德赫亚救主,费莱尼绝杀,这都是基本操作!(De Gea rescue and Fellaini winner, business as usual.)
S7Yidead(曼联球迷): 今年金球奖不给费莱尼,那就是犯罪!(It’s a crime if Fellaini can’t be awarded Ballon d’Or)
Standupforhufflepuff(北爱尔兰球迷): 这是曼联本赛季第一个欧冠主场进球,整个欧冠里就没有比他们进得更晚的了…(This was United's first home goal in the CL this season, they were the last team to score one this year.)
nova_uk(富勒姆球迷): 既然这两支队都不知道怎么进攻,那他们是怎么踢进欧冠正赛的…(How are these two teams in the champions league when they both don't know how to attack?)
CounterfeitMemes(皇马球迷): 曼联真应该把自己的比赛录像卖给医院去当安眠药!(Manchester United should sell their games to hospitals as general hypnotics.)
Renegadecoaster(明尼苏达球迷): 一些住在球场旁边的人家,应该能在院子里发现好多这场的足球吧…(Someone in the local neighborhood just got some nice balls in their yard.)
elburrito1(博洛尼亚球迷): 大卫-席尔瓦的头发是又长出来了,还是他头皮晒黑了?(Is david silva growing his hair out again or is he’s head just tanned?)
NotoriousTowns(里昂球迷): 我们能一直踢曼城直到这赛季结束么?(Can we play only Man City until the end of the season?)
Sapitobej(克罗地亚球迷): 我一直纳闷,为啥C罗要去尤文呢,这样不就一直生活在我大曼朱的阴影之下了吗?(I always wondered why would ronny want to go to juventus, only to be in mandzukic's shade.)
Wipes2190(皇马球迷): 这么多年了,C罗终于有个能吃饼的队友了…(Ronaldo finally find a striker who can be assisted…)
Powerbelge(切尔西球迷): “我不怕练了10000种招式的人,但我怕把同一个招式练了10000次的人”——李小龙。(I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 time (c) Bruce Lee.)
BigFatNo(荷兰球迷): 公元2059年,75岁的罗本内切射门得分,拜仁已和其再度续约。(The year is 2059. Robben, 75, cuts inside and scores for Bayern as he receives another contract extension.)
Santatitular(本菲卡球迷): 对不起拜仁,其实不是你们状态回升了,而是我们实在太烂了…(Sorry to Bayern fans but you are not back. We are that bad lol.)
Ubergold(未知主队球迷): 哈哈,踢“10年来最弱的拜仁”都能输成1-5,连阿森纳球迷都笑了!(lol , imagine losing 5-1 to the worst Bayern in 10 years. Even Arsenal fans will laugh about this.)
FCB_Rich(未知主队球迷): 看到赛后球队的教练还没下课,本菲卡球迷好像更伤心了…(Benfica fans in shambles after they realize their coach still isn't getting fired.)
Playerayton(未知主队球迷): 拜仁高层:“看到了吧,罗贝里还能用呢现在,用不卓引援!”(Bayern board: "See, no transfers needed! Robbery still got it")
C4BackpackerIQ(皇马球迷): 好久没看到皇马这样比赛了啊,魔笛这传球简直就像小黄片一样爽…(Omg i havent seen real playing like this for a while that first cross was pure sex from modric)
KarmaGrinder94(尤文球迷): 瓦伦西亚后卫应该让本泽马去拿球的…(valencia should have let the ball reach Benzema.)
Mihaicaus(巴萨球迷): 看来我们的锋线三叉戟就是登贝莱、梅西和皮克了!(Seems like we need a Dembele-Messi-Pique as the front three.)
Bgraviton(皇马球迷): 我们把皮克买了吧,也许他才是取代C罗的最佳人选…(Maybe Pique would have been perfect for a Ronaldo replacement for us.)
Dark_Legend_(巴萨球迷): 阿莱尼亚简直像爱斯基摩人一样冷酷,这绝对是最接近梅西助攻梅西的进球了…(Alena is as cool as an Eskimos. Closest thing we'll see to Messi assisting Messi.)
OneBall22Players(未知主队球迷): 裁判是把红黄牌忘在更衣室了么... ( Referee fergot his cards in the locker room.)
3V3RT0N(埃弗顿球迷): 这是我能看到穿蓝色球衣的球队赢下德比的最好机会了…(My biggest chance of seeing a blue team winning a derby today.)
Why_dont_Men_Cry(未知主队球迷): 谁给我解释下,为啥阿隆索突然就不会踢球了?(Can somebody tell me why Alonso forgot how to play football?)
Slaintbius(曼联球迷): 要是曼城的比赛都能被说踢得无聊,那我都不知道曼联的比赛还能用什么修辞手法来形容了…(If City way of play is boring, I have no idea what you guys describe Man United games then.)
SlowMobius7(切尔西球迷): 能不无聊吗,其他6强都盼着曼城输球,结果他就特么一直赢赢赢!(It's boring to the other top 6 fans because they tune in hoping for an upset and it never happens.)