

时间: 2019-09-20 足球综合



EAUO9(未知主队球迷):这赛季如果皇马还想拿欧洲冠军的话,不如考虑去踢欧联杯。(If Real want to be European champs again they should go for the Europa League this season.)

Michaelirishred(未知主队球迷):皇马还有能力去赢欧联杯吗?(Do you think Real can win the Europa League?)

just_a_random_guy_11(巴萨球迷):作为被巴尔韦德血虐的巴萨球迷,这场比赛带给了我一点希望…(As a Barca fan stuck with Valverde this gives me hope.)

Usernames(巴萨球迷):本以为我们踢得够差了,没想到皇马还是更甚一筹…(I thought we were playing bad man Real still trying to out do us.)

SubjectAndObject(巴萨球迷):毕竟是巴萨名宿啊!(barça legend.)

DisparateYouth(未知主队球迷):这场比赛我看到内马尔和姆巴佩的次数都比阿扎尔多了,而他俩根本就没上场…(I’ve honestly seen Neymar and Mbappe more this game than Hazard, and the former aren’t even playing.)

Faggotttttttt(纳什维尔球迷):看台上内马尔的表现已经比皇马全队加起来都多了!(Neymar put on more of a performance tonght than Real Madrid.)

bluewaff1e(曼联球迷):齐达内之前最想处理掉的两名球员,现在是皇马仅有的表现亮点了…(The two players Zidane was trying to weed out of the team are the only two who looked good for Madrid.)

Jrainiersea(西雅图球迷):今晚身穿白衣的球队赢了,他们的门将是纳瓦斯。什么?那不是皇马?(There’s a team wearing white with Keylor Navas in goal and it’s not Real Madrid?)

spea-keth(未知主队球迷):巴黎阵中的西班牙球员比皇马还多,而皇马阵中的法国球员比巴黎还多…(PSG have more Spanish players in their team than Real Madrid tonight, whilst Real Madrid have more French players in their team than PSG.)

Puzukamida(西班牙球迷):库尔图瓦是世界最名不副实门将了吧…(Courtois is the most overrated GK in the world.)

Contrarian(曼联球迷):现在他还有啥名声吗?(I don’t think anyone rates him too much nowadays.)


BellenSchengel(美因茨球迷):我的天,上次苏牙在欧冠客场进球的时候,法蒂才12岁,而现在他都已经为巴萨首发踢欧冠了…(Jesus.... when Suarez scored his last CL away goal.... Ansu was 12 years old. Now Ansu starts for Barca in CL.)

Natamamba(巴萨球迷):既然大家都在问,那我就告诉大家,法蒂的年龄是6161天。(Since everyone keeps asking, Ansu Fati is 6161 Days Old.)

Kallegodisson(热刺球迷):没想到吧,排在小组头名的是布拉格斯拉维亚!(Slavia Prague at the top after game one just as expected.)

Mightbeabotidk(巴萨球迷):所以他们抽签的时候在笑啊 ,我们完蛋了!(That's why they were laughing, we're doomed.)

wien10(未知主队球迷):要是特尔施特根和胡梅尔斯都是德国人,那德国队现在得多强啊!(Germany could look so good if ter Stegen and Hummels were German.)

Acquits(巴萨球迷):要是苏牙在欧冠一直这么狗血,你拿什么去超过人家埃托奥啊…(I can never rate Suarez ahead of Eto because of his continuous dog shit performance in CL)


Iwanttosaysmth(华沙莱吉亚球迷):看来我们都误解了布拉格代表在欧冠抽签时的笑容了…(It looks like we all misunderstood Slavia's laugh during the draw ceremony.)

Paris2Berlin(巴黎球迷):我们都错了,他们那不是因为自己要完蛋的苦笑,而是嘲讽其他人都要完犊子的嘲笑!(We were all wrong, they weren't laughing because they were danger, they were laughing because everyone else is.)

AlKarakhboy(国米球迷):我们的战术就是:长传---->卢卡库争顶成功---->球顶给了布拉格球员---->循环往复。(Long Ball ----> Lukaku wins header ----> Ball goes to prague ----> Repeat.)

WineAndRevelry(曼联球迷):如果国米踢得再努力一点点,应该是能混上一脚射门的吧…(If Inter played as hard as they whine they might have a shot.)

tr_24(切尔西球迷):孔蒂:巴萨一定是很害怕面对我们,哦不,布拉格的!(Conte : Barcelona won't be happy to play us, oh fuck, slavia prague.)

Helkix(阿森纳球迷):我有种预感,这赛季我能看到国米在周四和我厂踢欧联杯…(I have a feeling we will see Inter playing with us on Thursdays this season.)

Zablebghal(尤文球迷):仅仅主场绝平个布拉格,卢卡库就能开心地庆祝成这样?(Lukaku celebrating an equalizer at home vs Slavia LIKE THAT?)

Virtuaofficial(国米球迷):他已经习惯在曼联不输给哈镇3个球就可以庆祝的时候了…(He's used to United where they celebrate not losing by 3 goals to huddersfield.)


0frame(未知主队球迷):尤文一直在等着C罗突然大爆发carry全场呢!(Juve is just waiting for Cristiano 'miracle' Ronaldo to do his thing.)

Opi(波兰球迷):我知道的关于最新手球规则所有的认识,就是我什么都不知道——苏格拉底。(All I know about new handball rules is that I don't know anything about new handball rules— Socrates.)

FreeMattyB(日本球迷):定位球会比香烟更早得要了萨里的命…(Set pieces will kill Sarri before the tobacco will.)

CrystalMaterelius(马竞球迷):西蒙尼什么时候才能不要同时让萨乌尔和科克同时上场?到2154-55赛季便可一见分晓。(Will Simeone ever stop playing Saul and Koke together. Find out in 2154/55 season.)

LumpyGuest(德比郡球迷):看来马竞的主要任务就是不要让C罗再进球…(Looks like atletico's main aim is keep ronaldo to 0 goals.)

ZangieftheRussian(波尔图球迷):当你的前任队长代表别的球队在第90分钟打进绝平进球,这是种什么感觉…(That feeling when your team ex-captain is out there scoring 90' goals for another team.)

raven2474life(萨克拉门托球迷):还以为西蒙尼还要做那发射蛋蛋的庆祝动作呢!(Thought Simeone was going to go with the nut shot pose again for a second.)

frestoa-RM(皇马球迷):如果C罗最后的得分机会能把握住,也许就能弥补我们输给巴黎带来的伤心…今晚对我们来说真是诸事不顺啊!(If Ronaldo scores that in the last minute it would have made up for the PSG result. Nothing went right for us tonight.)

Jejdjfnsjdks(未知主队球迷):我敢打赌,如果尤文和皇马会师欧冠决赛而且C罗赢了欧冠就会得金球奖,那你一定会去支持尤文的。(I’ll put money on you wanting to see Juventus win the CL rather than Madrid if it meant Ronaldo gets another Ballon Dor.)


DarkSofter(曼联球迷):现在看到利物浦输球真不容易,我得好好珍惜这每一分时光…(U dont often see Liverpool lose these days so I’ll cherish every moment.)

Muzzy_Hosh(利物浦球迷):去年我们就在客场输给那不勒斯了,最后还不是拿了欧冠冠军?所以这场比赛也算是一种胜利!(Lost against Napoli away last year and we won the Champions League. I see this as an absolute win!)

DarkVoidize(莱斯特城球迷):范戴克只不过是荷兰穆斯塔菲而已!(Van dijk is just a dutch mustafi.)

PotatingRotato(热刺球迷):略伦特是在长得太迷人了,利物浦都没法专心去防守了…(Llorente’s too handsome Liverpool were distracted.)


deception42(曼城球迷):如果你是曼城球迷,那在裁判没确定越没越位之前的进球,你都是不敢庆祝的…(You're not a City supporter if you didn't wait to see if it was offside or not before celebrating.)

Tim-Sanchez(莫克姆球迷):斯特林正在气恼京多安没传球给他,结果都没想到对方后卫竟然把球传过来了…(Sterling was so busy being angry at Gundogan for not passing he didn't expect the pass from the Shakhtar defender.)

Tautou(曼城球迷):我猜沃克肯定是加入了植发大军了!不然怎么解释他这奇葩的光头造型…(Feel like Walker joined the hair transplant club. Shaving his head of for it would make sense...)


AFCInfinity(阿森纳球迷):北伦敦最擅长2-0领先后崩盘了!(North London Teams bottling 2-0 away leads.)

Deadalready(热刺球迷):很好奇热刺是不是忘了怎么给凯恩传球了…(Wonder when spurs forgot how to pass the ball to Kane.)

neman-bs(布拉格球迷):我不知道该支持谁好了,是为兄弟球队奥林匹亚科斯加油呢?还是为热刺加油,这样我们也能争取点欧联的希望…(I don't know who i should be supporting here, our brothers from Olympiakos or the Spurs so that we can try and contest the EL spot...)

Bosasrsi(未知主队球迷):哥,别装了,你们可是小组第一啊!(Stop please, you are the first in your group!)


wLepic(巴萨球迷):蒂亚戈这场比赛就像是和孩子在后院踢球一样。(Alcantara Playing like it’s vs kids in the backyard.)

XeroVeil(德国球迷):红星的队长是马林…比赛开始前我简直愣了30秒,真是震惊啊!(Red Star's captain is Marko Marin. Still 30 seconds until the start of the match and I'm already fucking stunned.)


Oll678(切尔西球迷):你好欧联杯,我的老朋友…(Hello Europa League my old friend...)

Iftair(阿森纳球迷):我来和你再踢一场球!(I've come to play with you again.)

BrendaPham5190(切尔西球迷):欧冠冠军和欧联冠军竟然都首场就输球了…(Two Champions of Europe lost their first game.)

Dalyon(里昂球迷):是谁说瓦伦西亚刚换了个新教练就不会踢球了?(I've been told valencia are gonna forget how to play football with their new coach.)

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